The 7 Most Common Electrical Problems Around The House
Your home’s electrical system can have problems and there are some problems which are more common than others. These common problems could be due to issues with the wiring or external problems that you have no control over. It is important to know what the most common problems are and what can be done about them.
Frequent Electrical Surges
Electrical surges can be caused by a number of things from damage to power lines to lighting strikes to faulty appliances. Surges will generally last a microsecond, but the damage they can do will last a lot longer, particularly if you are having them frequently. If you are experiencing this problem, you should look at electrical devices connected to your home grid or the actual wiring.
Light Switches Not Working Correctly
You might be surprised by the number of people who have light switches that do not work correctly. This could be a light switch for a wall light that does not turn anything on when used or a dimmer that does not adjust the light correctly. The most common reason for this problem is bad workmanship or bad quality products.
Lights That Are Too Bright Or Too Dim
When faced with lights that are too bright or too dim, most people will change the bulb. However, there are times when this does not actually help the situation. If you find that you have this problem, you should check the neutral connection. A bad neutral connection could cause problems and will need to be fixed by a professional.
Dips In Power
Dips in power are different to electrical surges, but they will often have the same negative effect on your home’s electrical system. Most of the time, dips in power can be linked to a faulty device plugged into the electrical system. Poor quality products can also be to blame because they are made with sub-par materials which will draw more power than necessary when they are turned on.
Frequent Tripping Of The Circuit Breaker
The tripping of the circuit breaker is actually a safety measure put in place to protect you from electrical problems. If this happens frequently, it is generally due to the appliances that you are using at the time. High wattage items such as hairdryers and microwaves will often cause this to happen, particularly when there is another high wattage item on the same socket. To overcome this issue, you need to make a note of the items that you use when the trip occurs.
Light Bulbs Burning Out Often
Light bulbs have a limited lifespan, but if you find that your bulbs are burning out quickly, you need to consider what could be causing this. There are a number of reasons why this might be happening from the wattage being too high to the insulation being too close to the light. Bad wiring in your electrical system can also cause this and you will need to have the wiring to the mains and on the circuit checked.
Electrical Shocks
Electrical shocks are not pleasant, but they are generally mild and a good indicator that something is wrong with the electrical system. These shocks will generally occur when you are turning an appliance on or off. The electric shock could be a sign that there is something wrong with the appliance or that there is something wrong with the wiring.
To test if it is the appliance, you could plug a different appliance into the socket and test it. Of course, this does mean that you are opening yourself up to further electrical shocks if it is the wiring. It is recommended that you contact an electrician instead.
The Top 5 Home Electrical Appliances That Use The Most Electricity
Have you found that your power bills are absolutely astronomical sometimes? In order to understand what you can do to mitigate the problem, it's important to consider which items in your house are racking up the most usage. With that in mind, here are the top 5 home electrical appliances that use the most electricity:
1 - The Water Heater
If you have an electric water heater, it's always running and being taxed even harder anytime you turn on the hot water at a faucet. With continual use at varying levels day in and day out, it shouldn't be all that hard to imagine how drastically your water heater is contributing to your overall power output. Average households tend to rack up several dollars on their bills each day just thanks to the water heater alone.
2 - The Refrigerator
Close behind if not number one in certain households, the refrigerator may be the undisputed king of "always on" appliances. It quietly hums away day in and day out, working hard to keep all of your food cold or frozen to your liking. Even if your model has a power saver feature, it's likely still running at least ten to twelve hours over the course of the day. That really adds up quickly! With this in mind, you should be sure to use a fridge that's appropriately sized for your needs. Many people that are single or only just starting out make due with a mini fridge until they're able to work their way up to a higher end model with more space and features.
3 - The Air Conditioning
This will vary a bit depending on what form of heating and air you use, Electric heating will leave your bills soaring in the winter, and central air or window mounted air conditioners will logically do the same in the summer time. Worst of all, people tend to burn their air conditioning appliances almost constantly during the corresponding months, well beyond the point needed for actual comfort.
4 - The Desktop Computer
Another common contributor to most household's power bills these days is the desktop computer. Many PC users tend to leave their machines on at all times. Even when switched over to sleep mode, there's still a small current of electricity required to keep the machine and monitor on standby. The beefier the machine, the more energy it requires as well, meaning computer gamers or anyone working with the likes of photo and video editing will often rack up quite a bit of wattage.
5 - The Home Entertainment Systems
Finally, home entertainment systems such as televisions, game consoles, and home media players also draw a lot of power. Many households have a TV in every single room these days, and at least one of them tends to be on at all times. If you're the type that loves falling asleep while watching TV, consider using the sleep timer setting to save a lot of precious power.
When it all comes down to it, the 5 home electrical appliances above may use the most electricity overall, but there are several other major contenders that are likely contributing to your hefty power bills. Other potential culprits are your hair dryer, heat pump, electric stoves, battery chargers, and even light bulbs. If you find that your energy costs fluctuate too much from month to month, you may want to look into a fixed annual rate. Many power companies offer this for households that habitually utilize a certain amount of wattage each month; switching over to a more consistent bill can potentially save you a lot of frustration.
To learn more about some of the devices in your home that could be costing you a lot of money check out this website.
8 Tips On Saving Electricity In Your House
Many people are usually faced with high electric bills for one reason or another. People get used to the high bill and they just pay without thinking of ways to deal with the issue. There is no need to pay a lot for electricity when you can lower, even if it is a little bit. There are some things you can do to slash your electricity bill and make savings. Below are some great tips that will help you in reducing your electricity bill. Not all of the tips might apply to you, but more than one will most likely apply.
Switch to CFLs
It is a good idea to replace incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent lightbulbs (CFLs) will save you a lot of money on your electricity bill. This is the best place to start because it is easy to change your bulbs and will help you make the most savings. CFLs use 75% less energy and will last time tens longer than the other one. Having the most used features use CFLs will save you a lot of money at the end of the year.
Install smarter switches
Using motion sensors will help you cut back on power spending because the lights will be going on and off when you need it. There are some that will require you to turn them on manually but will turn themselves off automatically. This can be a great option for a bedroom because they will turn off when you sleep. You should also install timers for your bath fans so it can turn off automatically.
Service the air conditioner
About half of the electricity bill will be for cooling and heating. An air conditioner that has been placed in direct sunlight will use about 10 percent more energy. You should have your air conditioner checked so that it works at peak efficiency. Call a professional to do a check up on it every two or three years. If the air conditioner is more than 12 years old, consider having it replaced with an Energy Star model because this can cut the amount of electricity it uses by up to 30%.
Install double glazed windows
Heating a house can be very costly in terms of the electricity it uses to warm up your home. It is a good idea to make sure as much of that heat is retained as possible. To do this it i a good idea to install windows with double glazing that will help to retain the heat. Aluminum windows are some of the best options as they require very little maintenance and last for a long time, while looking fantastic.
Change the furnace filter
Having your furnace (electric or gas) in a good condition will have two main benefits. It ensures that the furnace is running efficiently and it will also increase its lifespan. The good thing is that you can perform the tune up on yourself without the need of professional help. During the heating season, change the filter every month. Ensure the new one is inserted the right way.
Save on electric water heating
You should do something about your water heating if you just use it at a given time of day because you are wasting a lot of electricity keeping it on 24/7. Install a timer switch. You can have them programmed for daily or weekly schedules so that the heater will be one when needed and off when not being used.
Smart metering
The metering program of one utility company will vary from that of the next, but the idea is still the same. It tracks how much electricity you are using. The data will be used to ensure that the power grid is not overloaded that can cause blackouts. Not all companies offer this, but more and more are considering it.
Run the fridge for less
The fridge consumes the most electricity when compared to the appliances you use in the kitchen. You should clean the coil at least twice per year because it will improve the efficiency of your fridge by between 30 and 50 percent.

7 Questions to Ask an Electrician Before Hiring.
Hiring the right electrician is very important because it will determine the quality of work you get. There are some people out there who have been forced to look for another electrician because the one they choose earlier could not deliver the work or poor-quality work. This is why it is advised to invest time and effort into the process of finding the right electrician to help you out. One mistake many people make is choosing the first electrician they come across. This should never be the case because you don’t know enough to determine whether they can deliver. Here are 7 questions that will go a long way in helping you choose the right electrician.
Are you licensed?
There are many people who assume that all electricians working on projects out there have been licensed. You should make sure you are choosing an electrician who has been licensed. An electrician has to satisfy a number of requirements before they get the license. Working with an electrician who has not been licensed can sometimes void your warranty. Many electricians will not be offended when you ask them this, and if they are, then maybe they are not the best option for you.
Are you Insured?
There is a lot that can go wrong during any project, and it helps to know you are covered if it happens. The insurance they have should cover the workers working on a given project and also liability cover. This means if the worker gets hurt working on your project, you will not have to dig into your pocket. The insurance also covers your property.
What kind of work do you do the most?
Just like many of the contractors, electricians usually specialize in a given area. There are some who deal with different areas, while there are some who have specialized in a specific area. You should know what your project requires so you can know whether they are the right fit when you ask the question. If you find someone who specializes in the specific area you need help in, then that’s great.
Will you provide references?
References are a good way to know whether the professional electricians provide quality services or not. You will be able to judge the quality of the work they have done in the past and see whether they are good enough to work on yours. You should ask for references to past jobs that are similar to yours.
What does the estimate include?
There are some people who have been shocked to find the total cost of the project is higher than what they saw in the estimate. You should have a clear understanding of the pricing structure and any other factors that can have an effect on the cost. You should also ask them what factors affect the pricing. With this information, you will have peace of mind knowing how much you are going to spend.
Who will be performing the work?
Do not assume that the person you are talking to will do the work. Inquire about the hourly rates for different qualification if you feel like the job you want to be done will need expertise. You should discuss this upfront so you don’t end up getting disappointed in the end. Sometimes it pays to choose a more experienced electrician, even though you will have to pay a little more.
Do you guarantee your work?
If an electrician is confident about the work they do, he/she will not have a hard time standing behind their electrical work. This is a good way to know whether the electrician believes they are good enough.